Limit on tourist licenses in 262 Catalan municipalities

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Temporary suspension of tourist licenses Montroig del Camp

Applying for a tourist license in Montroig del Camp? The city has been putting a stop to this since October 24, 2023. The issuance of new HUTT permits for houses and apartments has been halted for 1 year with the aim of regulating tourist rentals.

Suspension of Montroig cel Camp tourist license application until November 24, 2024

The municipality of Mont-roig del Camp has suspended the granting of permits for tourist use of housing. They communicate this on their website.

Last week we posted that Tarragona city also temporarily stopped handing out turistic licences.

The purpose of the halt and temporary suspension is to conduct an investigation into how these permits interfere with the right to housing for local people, which will be reflected in the local housing plan being developed.

The suspension took effect on Tuesday, October 24 and will be in effect for one year. The College of Mayor and Councilors of the municipality of Mont-roig del Camp decided in September to suspend permits for tourist use of housing (HUT) and shared houses for one year. This decision came into effect on Tuesday, October 24, after being published in the Official Journal of the Generality of Catalonia and also published in the BOPT (October 20).

The purpose of this measure is to bring order to the proliferation of this type of housing, to combine the tourist use of housing with the availability of rental housing and thus guarantee the right to housing for the local population.

More than 250 applications for HUT permits are processed annually. Specifically in the municipality, as of July 31, 2023, there were 2,968 tourist properties registered, spread throughout the territory, with a high concentration in the center of Miami Platja, where there are 1,962.

More than 250 applications for HUT permits are processed in this way each year, leading to an increase in the number of properties used for this business model and therefore not added to the traditional rental market. This causes serious problems in accessing housing for residents.

It is worth noting that the implementation of this form of tourist offer with expansive evolution, which is currently taking place in the municipality, but also throughout Catalonia, is at the expense of the own residential use of regular housing.

That is why the municipality sees the need to regulate this phenomenon in urban planning and has therefore started developing a local housing plan. At the same time, the reform of the urban planning instrument (special plan) is being studied to determine the urban planning conditions for location, density of uses, access to the building, minimum distances between the same types of uses and/or other provisions considered necessary. All this with a view to guaranteeing the right to housing, peace, privacy, the well-being of the neighborhood and the quality of the urban space in the municipality.

Please note: several municipalities will stop issuing tourist licenses!

Mont-roig del Camp joins other municipalities that have imposed moratoriums on new permits in preparation for their own regulation, such as Blanes, Begur, Tremp, la Seu d’Urgell, Vilanova i la Geltrú or Cadaqués, among others. Also Tarragona city. Do you own a home in Catalonia? Request a licence throug us. Even if you don’t rent it out now, it will increase the value of the home in the future. Are you going to buy and want to rent out? Then buy a home that already has a license, or inquire with us about the options.

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